Low porosity hair is often characterized by its ability to resist moisture absorption and repel water. However, sometimes it can be challenging to distinguish between genuinely low porosity hair and the effects of build-up. Build-up can make your hair behave as if it's low porosity, but with some careful observation and a few telltale signs, you can determine whether it's your hair's natural porosity or just product residue. In this blog post, we'll explore these signs and help you understand the difference.
1. Unusual Changes in Hair Behavior:
If your hair suddenly begins to exhibit behaviors that are inconsistent with its normal tendencies, it could be a sign that something other than your natural porosity is at play. For example, if your hair has always absorbed moisture relatively easily and has suddenly become resistant to it, it might be due to build-up. Our Mask-E Scalp Detox will gently remove build up from the hair and scalp with the calming and purifying benefits of Apricot, Neem Leaf, Blueberry, Chamomile.

2. Excessive Product Usage:
Using too many hair products or using them excessively can lead to product build-up. If you find yourself using more products than usual and your hair's behavior changes accordingly, it's likely due to the accumulation of product residue on your strands. Follow a simple hair care routine for cleansing, moisturizing and styling. Our Soft & Moisturized Bundle offers an easy 3-step hair care routine to stop buildup.
3. Oily or Greasy Feeling:
When your hair starts to feel oily or greasy, even shortly after washing, it may be a sign that you have build-up. Low porosity hair tends to repel moisture, but it doesn't necessarily make your hair feel oily, which is a common indicator of product accumulation. Use our gently cleansing, Almond & Shea Butter Moisturizing Shampoo to remove buildup without stripping your hair of natural oils.
4. Limp and Lifeless Locks:
Build-up can cause your hair to appear flat, limp, and lifeless. If your hair feels weighed down and lacks its usual bounce, it may be time to consider that it's not low porosity but rather the result of build-up.
5. Sticky or Tacky Texture:
One of the most apparent signs of build-up is the sticky or tacky texture that can develop on your hair. When you touch your hair, and it feels like there's a layer of gunk or residue on it, you can be sure that it's not your hair's natural porosity at play.
6. Ineffective Products:
If the products you typically use to moisturize or style your hair suddenly become ineffective, it's worth examining whether build-up is the culprit. Your hair might not be responding as it should if it's coated in layers of product residue.
7. Regular Clarifying Solves the Issue:
A surefire way to determine if your hair issues are due to build-up is to use a clarifying shampoo. If your hair bounces back to its usual self after clarifying, it's a strong indication that the problem was build-up rather than low porosity.
8. Visible Residue on Hair or Scalp:
Sometimes, build-up is visible to the naked eye. Look closely at your hair and scalp; if you see a white, flaky, or waxy residue, it's most likely a product build-up issue.
9. Increased Sensitivity to Humidity:
Low porosity hair generally remains unaffected by humidity, but if you notice that your hair becomes frizzy or overly affected by humidity, it may be due to build-up disrupting your hair's natural moisture balance.
10. Dull and Lackluster Appearance:
Finally, if your hair has lost its shine and appears dull and lackluster, this could be an indication of build-up. Build-up can make your hair look less healthy and vibrant than usual.
In conclusion, if you suspect that your hair may not be low porosity but instead suffering from build-up, it's important to identify the signs and take appropriate action. Regular clarifying treatments, a reduction in product usage, and a gentle hair care routine can help restore your hair's natural beauty and behavior. Understanding the difference between low porosity hair and build-up is crucial for achieving and maintaining healthy, manageable locks.